
Watchtower subliminal images Page 3

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From the Watchtower of June 1, 2006 :
Bottom right, we can see half of a skull head, that looks horrible.
With this photocopy on the left, we can see very well the half of that horrible head.
In the Watchtower of March 15, 2004, in the first page, Jesus is holding in his left hand a piece of bread that looks like a penis. Many readers noticed that !

In the Watchtower of April 2008, the same image is published (inside page/ black and white).
Brooklyn altered the image, since the controversial piece of bread isn't in Jesus' hand anymore !

Probably, many people wrote to the persons in charge in the organization after the 2004 image was published, and the Watchtower had no choice but to alter the image.
This is one more proof that the Watchtower doesn't stop manipulating the images.
Question : how come such a "mistake" wasn't caught before publishing by those who check the periodicals?

But was it really a mistake ?
Left image :

The end of the rope doesn't make sense. What is it ?

Nevertheless, we can see faces parts in it.

From the Watchtower of February, 1st, 2007.
From the book : "Revelation : It's grand climax at hand! 1988, p 277. We can see a face in the clouds.
Unknown source.

We can see a face with wings in the cloud at the back.
Unknown source.

We can see a phallic symbol in the woman's dress.
Watchtower’s Sexual Subliminal?

As late as 1956 Watchtower explicitly taught that Adam was created genderless. Watchtower said, “Adam felt no desires of sex. As a perfect man he was balanced and not divided as to sex.[1-2]

This was not a new teaching by Watchtower. As early as 1912 Charles Russell, Watchtower’s then President, taught that the perfect Adam was created in God’s image and genderless (“sexless”).[3-4] Further, Russell taught “it is the divine purpose that the sex quality in humanity shall be dropped.” In other words, as the perfect Adam was created genderless so humanity would revert. Pastor Russell was apparently so enamored with this teaching that he chose a lifetime of celibacy despite entering into marriage with Maria Ackley.[5-6]

Enter 1958

In 1958 Watchtower published its book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained. This book was to take readers from Adam’s creation in paradise, through sin and redemption, and into the promised regained paradise to the point where the resurrection is complete and humanity is fully restored and ready for a final test by God. This book was intentionally loaded with illustrations to help readers visualize the message.

Artists within Watchtower were familiar with the organization’s teachings mentioned above. So how did the artist handle the one image of Adam illustrating him prior to Eve’s creation? And, how did the artist handle the one image of the fully restored humanity? In each case the illustrator had only one opportunity to get the facts straight! So how did it turn out? The two illustrations look like this:
Adam prior to Eve’s creation
Fully restored humanity
Joseph "Judge" Franklin Rutherford was one of the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses early on in the 20th Century, the second president supposedly. The International Bible Students Association & Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published a book of Joseph F. Rutherford named "Creation" in 1927. Page 265 of the French edition shows the following illustration by Mark Klinger that died 7 years before Creation was published. "Judge" used it for his book:
Now, analyse the image carefully. We see two barenaked men, one of whom has a leg between the other man's butt cheeks.The image is very clear. His leg is definitely touching the other's guy's behind. It's between the buttocks. His hip is definitely behind the guy's back. No way he was simply walking alongside the other man because his leg is placed in the middle of the other man's butt cheeks, which would prevent him from walking normally. What could such a picture possibly mean? What do you honestly make of it? We clearly see a homoerotic picture. The problem is with the fact Jehovah's Witnesses formally oppose homosexuality yet... One of their official books depicts such imagery. That's hypocrisy. (Note that in those years the Watchtower's leaders still believed that Jesus died on a cross, not a pole).

So where is the subliminal?


The first image of Adam shows exactly one cock and two nuts. The second image shows the same cock and two nuts right back where they were at the time of Adam’s creation.


So there you have it. Paradise is restored! And, you can bet your bottom dollar the gifted Watchtower illustrator responsible for those images laughed over his clever subliminal the rest of his days.


Marvin Shilmer


References (See Marvin Shilmer site)


1 The Watchtower, September 1, 1956, p. 529-530.


2 Watchtower — Did Adam have a penis?


3 The Watchtower, December 1, 1912, p. 5141 (reprints).


4 Watchtower — Pre-Eve Adam was not male!


5 Pastor Russell’s Sexual Preference?


6 The Watchtower, July 15, 1906, p. 221.


Source :

See these source links :
Previous page
On this image of the April 2011 Awake!, Jesus seems to have an erection...
Unknown source.
Watchtower april 15, 2011 p.15
We can see a human like face.

From : Revelation, it's grand climax at hand! (1988) p.91. Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.
Up: from the book : Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand! 1988 p.239 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
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Debate : evolution or creation
Human rights violations
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PEDOPHILIA: lawsuit against the Watchtower in Canada. Contacts:

Canada :




Up: This April 2015 Watchtower shows Jehovah's Witnesses as dull and colorless, but the disfellowshipped woman is presented as colorful and radiant ... Why?
Up: screenshot of a video titled ‘Lesson 3: Pray anytime’ for children from the Jehovah's Witnesses website JW.ORG. Little Sophia's bed is strange, if you turn the image upside down, you see the number 666.