Watchtower 2/15 of 1983 p.7 :

We thus have good reason to believe that the generation that witnessed the initial shock in 1914 and is still represented by people alive today must be the one that will witness the final fulfillment of this prophecy.

Watchtower of 5/1 1982 p.15 :

And the remaining ones of that generation of 1914 are still talking about it. Some of them will be talking about it right down to the time when the “great tribulation” wipes Satan’s wicked system of things off the face of our globe.

Watchtower 11/15 1981 p.11 :

Already 67 years have passed since the “generation” of 1914 saw the start of these troubles. (Matt. 24:34) So time has nearly run out on this “crooked and twisted generation.” (Phil. 2:15) Shortly we may be eyewitnesses of the fulfillment of the many Bible prophecies related to ‘the passing away of this world.’

Watchtower 10/15 1981 p. 31 :

What, then, is the “generation” that “will by no means pass away until all these things occur”? It does not refer to a period of time, which some have tried to interpret as 30, 40, 70 or even 120 years, but, rather, it refers to people, the people living at the “beginning of pangs of distress” for this condemned world system. It is the generation of people who saw the catastrophic events that broke forth in connection with World War I from 1914 onward.

Watchtower of 2/15 1981 p.10 :

These Bible prophecies also reveal that the “generation” that saw the events beginning in 1914 would also see the “conclusion of the system of things.”

Watchtower of 7/1 1980 p.4 :

At least some of the generation that saw the start of this age of lawlessness in 1914 are expecting to “be around” when it ends.

Watchtower of 12/15 1976 p. 750 :

This generation among which all such unrighteous persecution of God’s ambassadors and emissaries has been committed since World War I of 1914-1918 C.E. is a marked generation. How so? In that it will experience God’s fulfilling of his promise to bring in the righteous new system of things.

Watchtower of 11/15 1976 p.685 :

The generation from 1914 has now witnessed the fulfillment of the major part of Jesus’ great prophetic “sign” describing “the conclusion of the system of things.” The “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again,” is about to break in all its fury over the entire earth.

Watchtower 6/1 1976 p.344 :

The fulfillment of Bible prophecy proves that since 1914 we have been in the “generation” that will see God wipe out wickedness on earth and establish a paradise earth wide.

Watchtower of 8/1 1975 p. 452 :

According to Bible prophecies, particularly the one given by Jesus Christ, the Son of God himself, the generation that has seen the troublesome conditions that have prevailed since 1914 will see this change come about.

Watchtower of 5/1 1975 p.277 :

Which “generation” is that? The one that has witnessed the events in fulfillment of prophecy since 1914 C.E. There is no doubt about the truthfulness of what Jesus said. Forcefully he added: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.”

Watchtower 10/15 1974 p. 635 :

All we know is that the end will come within the generation that sees fulfilled on it the sign that Jesus Christ said would then be in evidence. (See Matthew chapters 24, 25.) All indications are that the fulfillment of this sign began in 1914. So we can be confident that the end is near.

Watchtower of 6/15 1974 p.359 :

The generation that saw the beginning of “these things” in 1914 is now well up in years and, in fact, is near to ‘passing away.’ Therefore, the time must be close for the “great tribulation” and the ‘day of wrath’ of God and Jesus Christ.

Watchtower of 1/15 1974 p.51 :

Unmistakably, the Bible pinpoints 1914 C.E. as the time when the “kingdom of the world” became the kingdom of the Lord God and of his Christ. Before the generation that was then alive passes off the scene, the “great tribulation” will strike.

Watchtower of 1/1 1974 p.4 :

Yes, but only since 1914 C.E. have these things afflicted mankind in every part of the earth during one generation. Therefore, as Jesus stated, people now living will see the present system of things with all its woes brought to an end.

Watchtower of 10/1 1973 p.583 :

This entire sign, climaxed by the “great tribulation” and the end of this “system of things,” will take place before the generation of 1914 ‘passes away.’

Watchtower 10/1 1972 p.583 :

Jesus Christ indicated that these “last days” would not extend beyond the life-span of the generation seeing their start. (Matt. 24:34) Hence, at least some people who witnessed the horrors of World War I will see the complete end of government by imperfect men and the bringing in of prosperity under the kingdom of God.

Watchtower of 2/1 1971 p.69 :

This magazine has also repeatedly shown from the Scriptures that the distressing conditions that have developed and intensified since 1914 are solid proof that we live in the generation that will see God’s will take place on earth.

Watchtower of 5/1 1970 p.273 :

However, Bible chronology which indicates that Adam was created in the fall of the year 4026 B.C.E. would bring us down to the year 1975 C.E. as the date marking 6,000 years of human history with yet 1,000 years to come for Christ’s Kingdom rule. So whatever the date for the end of this system, it is clear that the time left is reduced, with only approximately six years left until the end of 6,000 years of human history. (1 Cor. 7:29) This corroborates the understanding of Jesus’ words that the generation alive in 1914 with the outbreak of World War I would not pass away until the end comes.

Watchtower 10/15 1969 p.623 :

...within the lifetime of the generation that has witnessed world events since the close of the Gentile Times in 1914 till now, according to the prophetic words of Jesus in Matthew 24:34. Would not, then, the end of six millenniums of mankind’s laborious enslavement under Satan the Devil be the fitting time for Jehovah God to usher in a Sabbath millennium for all his human creatures? Yes, indeed!

Watchtower of 7/1 1969 p.395 :

People who were only just old enough to understand what was happening to the world in 1914 are now approaching seventy years of age. Yes, the numbers of that generation are dwindling fast, but before they all pass away this system must meet its end in the war of Armageddon. Surely this highlights what a very short time now remains to return to Jehovah.

Doctrinal changes : the "generation of 1914" Page 2

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Below is a chart of the various changes over the years courtesy of an anonymous writer :
On the right : the generation of 1914 that shouldn't pass away, passed away! They're dead. One more proof that the Watchtower is making false prophecies.
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Doctrinal changes
The false prophecy of 1914 : 607 or 587?
Debate : evolution or creation
Human rights violations
Watchtower and U.N. : 10 years relationship!
Refusal of blood transfusions
State atheism

PEDOPHILIA: lawsuit against the Watchtower in Canada. Contacts:

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