Discriminatory remarks against other religions by the Watchtower

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The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society published in 2006 the tract The end of false religion is near! which was distributed worldwide by Jehovah's Witnesses. In this tract the Watchtower says that all other religions are false except itself of course. Is it not discriminatory remarks? It also accused them of all evils. What is shocking is that the Watchtower accuses these false religions of meddling in politics. But the watchtower itself is doing it through lobbyists! It accuses churches to tolerate in their midst clerics who committed sexual assaults on children, while it is doing the same thing! The Jehovah's Witnesses leaders are hypocrites at their best!

Note : the book Revelation : It's grand climax at hand! (1988, 2006), published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is notorious for its attacks toward the other religions or cults especially toward christendom.
Previous page
Doctrinal changes
The false prophecy of 1914 : 607 or 587?
Debate : evolution or creation
Human rights violations
Watchtower and U.N. : 10 years relationship!
Refusal of blood transfusions
State atheism

PEDOPHILIA: lawsuit against the Watchtower in Canada. Contacts:

Canada : https://www.apmlawyers.com

Quebec: https://quebecjwclassaction.mccarthy.ca