Cultic deviances

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Definition : "The cultic deviance is characterized by the implementation of various techniques of pressure having for goal or effect to create, maintain or exploit at a person's state of a psychological or physical subjection. "



How to react towards the sectarian risk?



In regards to the groups



To identify their operating method :


- An unconditional membership

- The dismissal of the outside world

- The requirement for an increasingly more important availability, excessive financial contributions and abusive proselytism

- The indoctrination of children

- A structure organized by authoritative, opaque and partitioned methods

- A mutual control of the members

- Difficulties to leave the group



... And their approach to the followers :


- The sectarian movements trigger the destabilization of the person and exploit their weakness

- Under a reassuring identity, they act in various sectors, in particular professional training, the medical and ancillary medical sphere by offering replacement treatments, the school field (council to the exceptionally gifted, to the hyperactive; remote teaching, incarcerating environment,…)

- They intervene during natural catastrophes

- To better charm you, they claim to defend ethics and human rights.



With regard to a close relative



Locate in their behaviour :


- Adoption of a specific language for the group

- Change in eating habits

- Health care refusal of

- A difficult situation with family or social environment

- An exclusive commitment for the group

- An absolute submission, total devotion to the leaders

- The loss of critical spirit and the answer to all existential interrogations



Keep the contact :


- Inform oneself on the group attended: its rites, its philosophy, its vocabulary

- Respect the person and to try to make them aware of the untruths in the suggested doctrines

- Remain open to dialog and not make them feel guilty



Maintain a bond with the person



- While maintaining as frequent and friendly contacts as possible

- By promoting what they mean to their family and social entourage

- By reminiscing shared positive memories



Be ready to accommodate them if they decide to leave the group



Source :





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Doctrinal changes
The false prophecy of 1914 : 607 or 587?
Debate : evolution or creation
Human rights violations
Watchtower and U.N. : 10 years relationship!
Refusal of blood transfusions
State atheism

PEDOPHILIA: lawsuit against the Watchtower in Canada. Contacts: